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Complaints and Concerns
HertsISS recognises the importance of learning from the experiences of people who are providing or using the service and of continually working to improve what we provide. It is especially important to learn from mistakes so people using the service are encouraged to raise any concerns or complaints they may have, in order to make sure the same problem does not happen again and to improve the service for everyone using it.
All concerns and complaints will be taken seriously and will be dealt with as quickly and sympathetically as possible within 28 days. We really want to know about the experiences of people using HertsISS so we can try to improve the service in any way we can. You can make a complaint in any way that suits you – for example in person with your HertsISS Social Support Worker, by phone on number 01438 906123, by email to or letter to the following address: HertsISS, The Business & Technology Centre, Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2DX.
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